Friday, November 20, 2009 it has come to be...!!!

Why...why does life have to be so miserable and wretched...!!! why can’t life always be breezy, pleasant, full of happiness, nice moments and simply stated...’ROSY’...?!!! Why can’t it be so...!! Why does life have this mysterious way of taking away your happiness just when you begin to think you are the happiest and luckiest person in the whole universe...?! And lo...!! Right then...weird things have to happen and then you stand corrected...and shattered by the realization that it was actually a terrible mistake to have thought so, even for a fleeting moment...!!

There are times when the 2012 prophesy seem like the most attractive proposition ever...and you actually look forward to it...and the thought that it could be just another false prediction the most devastating...! What if like a very dear friend of mine was saying, what if the Mayan astrologer (or whatever he might have been called) writing the calendar dozed off as he was doing so and never woke up...! What if that was why the calendar wasn’t charted beyond 2012...? What if Nostradamus was exercising his imagination a little too much and nothing would come true...? Doesn’t sound too nice...anyways I don’t like the thought at the moment...maybe because I’m writing this at one of those moments when life seems like a very tiresome journey...and I’m famished, parched and tired...with no drop of water or the shade of a tree anywhere in sight...!!

And no...I have to make a declaration...! I am no morbid psycho with suicidal tendencies...NO...I’m not...!! I am very much normal...very much sane and very much commonsensical...but it’s just that at the moment, I feel like Papa Roach’s song from Infest...

”Cut my life into pieces...
This is my last resort...
Suffocation, no breathing...
Don't give a **** if I cut my arm bleeding...”

And I’ve been listening to this song from Pyaar ke Side Effects for the nth time’s such a beautiful song, its making me cry...and what lyrics...!!! And like in the song, I’m honestly feeling blue too...!!

Jaane kya chahe mann...baawara...
Jaane kya chaahe mann...baawara...
Akhiyan mere saawan chalaa...
Akhiyan mere saawan chalaa...”

And now I feel like Linkin Park’s ‘from the inside’...not because of the lyrics...but for the feel of the song, the pain, the anger and the frustration...and for the video...wish I could like in the song, yell and scream out my frustration...just to let everything out...just so that I could...

“Take everything from the inside...and throw it all away...”

I don't know...! Why do things have to be so difficult...!! I HATE IT...!!! I just hope things get better and that I see the proverbial ‘light at the end of the tunnel’...I may not really be in any dark tunnel...and things may not even be as bad as I feel they are now...but I for sure feel like I’ve fallen deep down in the dumps...!!

Photographs by Miss Megha Chopra


  1. I'm telling's not your's just the songs...GOD..if I hear that song from u one more time ( cut my life..)I might develop suicidal tendencies...;)Imagine the worlds biggest pessimist is asking you to cheer must be true..and as for the Mayan astrologer..let him sleep..its time for u to wake up...Wake up " Naimika " !!!

  2. its interesting how u hav put life in ur own wurds..a really interesting read :) but spare d propecy of 2012..dats d last thing u shud beleive in

  3. Totally confused.. start at one point and end at another :) .. Cut my life into pieces had to be there, i know.. its phases and trust me everyone goes thru something like this.. nothing wrong, just that the light at the end of the train could be a train ;) .. lmao ;)

  4. Amazing photograph!!!
