Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life Lessons

You realize. People, things, happenings, all make you realize. It hurts. And it hurts awful bad to realize that this realization that's finally dawned on you, is for real and there's no mistaking it. True and ugly. It is no misconception that clears itself out when you are in a better state of mind ("a better state of mind", because it's not when your mind is at it's happy-best that this ugly truth dawns on you. Then, you never think of it!). You realize, you are hurt, you are shattered, devastated, you cry into your pillow and finally, you make peace with learn to live with it, and eventually, you are a stronger person.

That initially devastating realization that YOU are all you have. You are who you can rely on, trust and bank on. At some point or the other in life, every single person you thought you had, you assumed understood you, and had faith in you, lets you down and you find you are deserted, with not one person who can fully understand you, to turn to. However much you think there are people around, that love you and you thought could read you, inside-out, there are times when misunderstandings creep in, things turn awry, and you cannot for the life of you, stop thinking how baseless the pleasant thought-turned-myth has been. The sooner you realize that you are your only true friend, and that nobody (nobody in the whole wide world) can understand you, your actions, and your inner self better than you do, the better. And it becomes easier for you to take the jolts life can (and does) give you, to forgive, forget and to let go. You are insulated, protected and shielded. Yes, you'd be hurt. You are only human. But you are prepared and so, not mind-wrecked. You now know you have you, only you, and you have always been there, with you, for you, no matter what.

You realize, you smile, and a tear rolls down. Down your cheek, and it disappears. It had to! And you smile again. Tranquil and peaceful.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Boredom n all...!!

Gone are the days when perplexity was the only thing I felt when people complained of being bored. I couldn’t for the life of me understand how it was that people 'could' feel bored...!! I just didn’t get how it was to be bored. It was with pride I bragged about finding happiness in the small little things one got to do nowhere else but at one’s home. But guess I’ve begun to feel it now as well...! And guess now I understand that it is possible to start feeling useless and wasted, and that it is possible for one to feel bored at one’s home sweet home itself. Just a few days back I’d thought that a random sms forward that read “who says IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING...?? I’ve done ‘nothing’ in the past few days and trust me, it is POSSIBLE” had been tailor-made for me, but guess I’ve proved myself wrong in a matter of just a few days now. And this I say is unbelievable...!! Simply because there have been days in the glorious past when I'd not so much as switched on the idiot box to seek out entertainment...(I’d never felt the need to...!) I didn’t have to look anywhere other than my daily mundane existence for the spice and the zing to keep me going. I used to just find it. Where’s all of that gone now...??!! Now I wake up...without a thing to do...the daily happenings happen without much variation in its course...I find some junk movie helping kill at least 3 hrs of the day...some trashy reality show (which in all likelihood has been scripted to ensure all the drama, catfights and hullabaloo that no situation in reality can present just keeps coming...!) and another aaand another...!!

The bored individual that I am now (officially certified n all) wouldn’t do anything to better the situation as well...!! Wouldn’t go out...wouldn’t read (where...where’s the damn reader in me gone...??!! dead or whatt...??!! haven’t read a single book in over a year now..!! why...whhyyy wouldn’t I...??!!)...and wouldn’t socialize...! (I’ve also now officially become a social recluse...!! I don’t wanna meet to with people...!! Texting is all I care to do...!! ) ...and wonderfully and astoundingly it appears, I’ve also lost the ability to fall in love... (Something that used to always be happening with me...!! light crushes that the person would never get to know of though ;) but no more now...!). I’m no more the compassionate individual that I guess once I used to be...and I realize that this isn’t exactly good and that this attitude would definitely not help me in the long run and that I need to change. But guessing (and having read that) realization in itself is a virtue and that self-realization is the first step to change, I hope this would just be a phase and that I would get over it ASAP...!!

Having started with the boredom newly started to feel, and the joy that I could feel things and that wasn’t I numb, I’ve digressed n talked about the new and changed (and degraded) self that I am now! But since this blog here’d been started also with the aim of an ultimate self-discovery and self-realization, guess it is really okie...!! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Decade of Togetherness...:-)

It started 10 years ago...together in an 8th standard classroom in the third floor of the senior’s block of Ursuline Senior Secondary School, Cannanore, Kerala. Three individuals in the last but one bench of the third row; three girls born in the year 1988, of the same height and the same length of hair, little did two of them know they had been destined to be together for a large part of each other’s lives...!! Especially when they hated each other so...!! They were Namitha AP and Naimika Ramesh.

From Day one of the 8th std they had been together. Unlike most kids of that age, all they had spoken to each other was, “What’s the time...?”, “12:10”. That was it...the rest of the day in class was spent in silence...! (Okie...dats it...guess I’ll switch to first person narrative...the research paper attitude seems to be getting the better of me...!!) So, from the next day, we did start talking, but realized that we couldn’t stand each other...we absolutely hated the other...!! I was a little reserved and straight-forward and couldn’t stand the way she would joke about every single thing and I guess she hated me already before she knew me...! We would fight every single day...!! I would go and complain to my folks at home about her...and wished our places would get changed as schools tend to usually do, just when the teachers felt the students were getting too comfortable and happy in their bench mate's company. Phoo...but no...That was not to happen, thanks to our same height...and also to the fact that I managed to absent myself exactly the same day the teacher decided to shuffle the students. So, there again, everybody else’s places were changed but we were still together...!

She was such a liar...Gawdd..!! That female...She conned me into believing that the other bench mate, Lakshmi Menon was the owner of lakme and that’s how it got the name...(a very convincing tale indeed...! That Lakshmi’s grandfather was the founder of the company and that ‘lakme’ was a portmanteau of ‘Lak’shmi ‘Me’non...!! How mean...n I was such an idiot...I believed it also...!). This happened yet again...I meant changing of places, but we still ended up sitting together...little did we know that this was part of a larger plot by the almighty...! Again in the 9th std, 10th std and even in the 11th std, we sat together. Even if the teachers changed the seating arrangements, we would still somehow be in close proximity to each other...either to the left, right, or to the bench behind or in front of the other. But as years passed, we started getting along pretty well...I mean...obviously! When you keep bumping into each other you have no option but to get along right...!! And we learnt to do that over the years...i learnt from her...she learnt from me...we learnt to appreciate and like the differences that were unique to both our characters...and yea...with time, we did start liking each other...and by the time we reached 12th std (which was when we got separated after years of being bench mates. But guess we still managed to find time for each other...waiting for my auto and her van at the gate after class in the evening, and lunched together, and since we had both been brilliant as far as math was concerned, we’d chosen not to do Math in the 11th and 12th, we had those math hours that we spent together!) we'd become thick friends. [Does it sound a little wierd...i mean we are both very much straight...hehe...;-)]

After the 12th boards, I didn’t know what I’d do, neither did she, we’d both given our entrance exams for what and why, both of us didn’t know...!! Suddenly one fine day, as we talked, we decided to do English...Functional English...!! And yet again...we landed up in Malabar Christian College, Calicut again in the same class, bench...and in the same hostel, same room and the same bed too...!! Initially it was rosy, and beautiful...we didn’t have issues like others did; making friends, getting used to the new atmosphere etc. We had each other and were so happy and comfortable that we didn’t even care how things were otherwise..!! But of course living together brought with it, its share of problems too...there were the all the nice moments, insane amounts of fun and of course tonnes of fights...! There would be days when we'd wake up and decide not to talk to each other (just like that...mutually...we would just get the vibes and know it...we didn’t even have to make a formal announcement of the feud...!) We would leave hostel, walk to college together, sit on the same bench, eat lunch...all of it together but utter not a single word...MUM we used to stay...!!! And when we thought it was genuinely too much, one of us would make the much needed confrontation, the apologies and the revelation of what it was that was bothering whoever it was that started with the whole non-talking mode first...! And then again teasing, making fun...all part of the reconciliation...!! We would fight...we would cry...and then make up to it...and everything would be fine...just like it used to be...!

And was not as if we were so into each other that we didn’t have other we have an entire circle of wonderful beautiful people for friends...!! We used to forever be referred to as Namitha-Naimika and never individually...the twosome became our identity in was as if people were referring to a pair of twins...! There have been times when we'd be so mutually fed up of each other...!! But towards the end of the three years, we knew we would not under any circumstances be together thereafter and used to listen to songs from KANK and cry (thinking not just about us...but the entire set of friends from college!)...and rightly so, she is in Chennai now and here I am, in Bengaluru! But even now...we are in touch (obviously...du-uh..!!), via the phone; meet up every time we are both in town etc. It’s not like we need to call each other frequently...there have been times we haven’t called each other for nearly 1-2 months, but we still know we’d be there for each other. And every time I call up with a problem without even starting to tell her, she would know...and she’d be like...” what have you done badly are you screwed up...?” I’d only have to tell her...and if she had to...she’d give it to me...royally...then gather her wits back...and then slowly counsel me into seeing things in perspective...! Sometimes I get more violent reactions from her than even my parents...! And we’ve also received an acknowledgement from Airtel...!! Yesterday I get a message from the saying, “with STD at only 50p/min! Make calls to your favourite Airtel no. 1234567890 and enjoy your weekend with endless conversations”...which happens to be her number...!! yay yayiiee..!! Airtel says that it’s her number that’s my favourite..!!!

I’m yet to call her...haven’t told her what Airtel thinks...;-)! We need to fix up a date for our decade celebration...and yea...this idea of the celebration of a decade of our friendship came up when we were in Calicut itself...!! And now it’s actually time flew I do not know...i still remember our maroon pinafore in school...from absolute hatred to this kind of an understanding and love, we’ve come a long long way and this definitely needs to be celebrated...!

Three cheers to us..!!(Touchwood...!!) Love us both...and love you loadzz...miss u pooh...!!!
Was it or was it not...??!!!

Nirvana was big...huge...everybody loved them... we still least I love them...they are gone now...but they left behind an entire culture when the band dissolved after Kurt Cobain’s death.

But was that a normal death...? I mean...did he kill himself...or was he killed by his wife Courtney Love for the assets that she would inherit if he died as he had plans to divorce her...? Did she do it so that she could have the honour of being Kurt’s hapless widow rather than being the bitch he didn’t want to live with...?

We might never know...but look at that...!! Money is the source of all problems in the world...! I mean look at that!...People can go to any extent for the sake of money...!! But then...what about n all of that...!! Come on..he was the father of her kid...!!! I just don't understand...pheww..!! I found this article which killed me...I was saddened, angry and frustrated at the injustice meted out to that poor soul...!!

R.I.P. Kurt... Love you...!!

You have to check it out...
That weird, dark, violent streak in me...

How much fun it would be if I were a don...!! I mean...sit on a big chair...left-hand men, right- hand men...all waiting to do things for me at the drop of a hat...!! Not a very honourable thought, but guess I’ve always found it fascinating...! I mean...I order and things happen...these typical gangsters we are so used to seeing in movies...there are the posh ones and there are the powerful but low standard ones (the paan chewing ones with a helper right there with a spittoon...!)...and I’m fascinated by the posh ones...cum on...obviously...!! The kind that play with guns and more sophisticated methods to do away with their prey, rather than knives and swords...heroin, cocaine, scotch et all...the one’s that are suave and in black expensive designer and attractive...the one’s with well- toned hot muscular physiques!

Shahrukh Khan in Don...I fell in love with him, not with him the actor, but with him the don! Or simply, if I couldn’t be a don, if I could only be a man...I mean...only if I were a man...i could have and would have done so many insane things...! I probably would have been a headache to my poor gharwale...I would have had fun though...! There’s this great wish I have...only if I could punch and break somebody’s nose...!! Haha...anybody’s...whoo...that would be great...!! And I want to and will learn karate, taekwondo and since the last week, I wanna learn Kalaripayattu also...!! Martial arts are soo s***...!! This I will do...I mean...learn a martial art...and breaking a nose comes secondary...that I can sure do even now...given the kind of fighting practise I’ve gained as a result of my ‘encounters’ with a cousin of mine...!(we fight like mad...he throws me down..i throw him down...n finally we would both be so tired...panting and puffing like dogs after a good fight for a juicy bone!!) N yeah...another fact that I’m proud of are my muscles...gawd alone knows where I got them biceps... (Huhh..!! I suddenly feel like a man...talking about biceps et all...!) And, nobody don't start feelin jealous et all okie..i’ve also got this one muscle...which I saw Shahrukh had in one of the scenes in the movie Chak De India when he was opening the door to his house...I saw it on his hand, and I realized I have it too...!!yay yaayyiiieee....!!!

And I’ve found that I have this thing for negative figures in Society...I’m in love with Mr. Osama bin Laden (he is such a handsome man!!!), Ayman al Zawahiri (he’s a bigger hot-shot than Osama himself is...!), Dawood Ibrahim (dunno why...but just like that...I call him ‘dad’...with all due respects to my biological dad...!)...and Saddam Hussein to an extent too... (Poor man...he’s dead...!! RIP)!! I read about Mr. Charles insane freak I thought he was...but didn’t particularly like him... (Looked too unkempt to my liking)!! And I like Tom and not Jerry..!! I mean... i really do hate Jerry...he always uses unfair means and poor Tom always gets into trouble..!! I hate Jerry...!

I like horror...I know many people do...but I just somehow think that I have some kind of an extra interest and fascination towards everything that has anything to do with the paranormal...anything out of the ordinary, reading about ‘Ghosts’, ectoplasm, spirits, necromancy, demons, exorcism, and all the blah...!! I read them...I watch them...and a few days later a get a real creepy dream that manages to totally spook me out...I freak out and then I get fired by my mom...! Huhh...okie...this is what my mom says...”for Gawwd’s sake stop doing this to yourself...! You read and watch creepy stuff like this, and you won’t even know when they’ll take a toll on you...its only when you are mentally drained and weak that their effects start to manifest and that’s when you get these dreams..!! Please do try and not lose your sanity...!” I was never scared of anything as a child...I was a brave girl...until I saw Bhoot... (maan...that movie...I love Ram Gopal Verma for having made it..!!) the movie did have an effect (adverse or not I do not know...!) on me...for quite some time...I would enter a dark room and come back running...cuz I would be scared...and then after sometime, I got over it after I watched the movie at least four times... [Exposure therapy as per psychiatric terms...;-)]. The movie ‘A Haunting in Connecticut’ also managed to freak me out...and again three days later I had a weird dream in which I was flying, and I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding and me sweating, another dream or rather nightmare where my teeth started to turn and fall off due to some force acting outward from within my mouth...!! This one really did it...the next morning I couldn’t think of anything but my teeth...I kept feeling it to see if they were intact and I really could feel that weird force in my mouth and after this I swore never to watch a horror movie...!!

N guess which new movie I’ve got in my laptop the latest...hehe...’Paranormal Activity’ which I’m dying to watch and will...the very day I submit my thesis...!!! Let Gawd save me... and bless and help me preserve my sanity...!!!

P.S.- from what I’ve written, I do for sure sound like a total jerk...but I’m not all that bad or insane...this is just one part of my muddled personality...!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oota Beku...!!!

I do not want copyright issues regarding the; I hereby state that the source of inspiration for the title has been one of the documentaries by Final Year FEP students of Christ University which had been screened one of these days. The title which can roughly be translated as ‘the quest for food’ I thought was so unbelievably apt for us, the inhabitants of the Jonas Hall (Christ University Girls Hostel) that I simply couldn’t resist but pilfer it...!

Living in a place that provides you with everything but anything edible leaves you with not much choice. Either starve and eventually die....or move about, find food...ingest it and be happy...these were the two options that would decide the quality of our survival (or rather the whole question or possibility of our survival...!) in this home away from home. Every single day, each morsel of food that goes down our throat is an after-product of many infinite minutes spent in careful deliberation, thought, arguments as to which place it would be that would feed us for the day and finally the decision. Breakfast has never been a problem simply because it would go skip skip... (which is why the 10 o clock coffee in the Ivy hall is of utmost importance as it involves the question of staying awake in class!!). Then comes lunch...’Freshetaria’ the new funky place in Christ University [;-)] and its Chilly cheese sandwich saves the day...!! Evening comes and with it comes the toughest test of your decision making abilities with the million dollar question (or keeping in mind Mera Bharat Mahaan..., the Million Rupee question...hehe...!) which is; “What do we have for dinner...where do we go for dinner...?!” This one question is so lethal...I mean...its so hard deciding...!! And this one question has given birth to the exploratory abilities in us...we could probably give stiff competition to Columbus the great...!! Like a friend of mine rightly declared, we’ve become the three explorers...!!

This quest for food has taken us to so many gullies and eateries that qualify its suitability with regard to the impact it may have on the big man...’the wallet’...! But we’ve kinda been unlucky with the good places we’ve found! The last year, just when we’d taken this strong liking towards the ‘dum biriyani’ in le cafe...le cafe closes...! ‘Closed for renovation’ said the board on its door. After a certain period of renovation it opens...back with a bang as ‘Kairuchi’ which ‘was’ good too... (the fish curry meals ‘used to’ be really yummy...) Yes...’was’...’used to be’...guess what, that one’s closed down too...!! There’s quite a list of places that have closed down like that, sudden and abrupt...! Some time back...we’d just found this place called ‘Tibetan Taste Corner’...yummy food was not the word...! We were soo excited...lip-smacking steaming momos et al...yay yayiee...we go there after a few days...and the shock we get...a closed building and the board...”Hyderabadi Bawarchi Biriyani coming soon” just where our Tibetan delicacies were supposed to have been...! That very day, the explorers chance upon an Andhra place ‘Abhiruchi’ a find that was...!! tremendous luck for the wallet...see...when you get tonnes of rice, a tiny bowl of chicken biriyani, 2 chapatis, 2 pieces of fried chicken, along with chicken gravy, curd, rasam...and blah...all of this for flat 50 bucks...! This was what we talked about to every person we met on the way and otherwise for the next few days... (Increase publicity is all we could do for them in return...!) AAnd...a few days later...again....the same rude shock...! Abhiruchi is closed! And this time there is no board announcing what happened and what was to come in its place...boyy...were we sad...!! We still miss place we found since then have been able to replace it...!

We now (mostly) rely on eateries in the posh street of ‘Sadduguntapalya’ for the needs of the abdomen...! The roadside vendors and their egg fried rice, egg dosas, kebabs, (which every mother staunchly warns her children against and which a friend of mine very recently announced would give me Intestinal Cancer...scary...!!) but again nobody can arrest you for ‘Unhealthy Eating Practices’ bah..! Our Hot n Cool right at the beginning of the posh street and yep...d world famous...’Ande ka Funda’, kairali, and the new...Tasteland (takes eons to serve food though...but tasty food...true to its name!), Josettan's (Gawd noe's y it is named so and gawd noes if this Mr. Josettan's still alive...umm...dunno!) and then of couse, how could I not talk about my mummy’s place- forum and Mac D, KFC, Transit and its many places and blah goes on...!!

The quest for food is crazy and it so totally makes me go insane...but’s been fun...the occasional splurge, the occasional non spending Maggi cetera et cetera! The quest is still on...but the question is, for how much longer...!!! College's coming to an end n it will all be over all too soon...and this is one thing i'm gonna really really miss...!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Life...before and after 6300’s not yet another fateful year like the oh-so-talked-about 2012...!!

A Nokia 6300...that’s what I own for the fulfilling of one of the most basic necessities of the modern day individual. Having in possession, any one of the boundless versions of that magical piece of splendour invented by Graham Bell, improvised and revolutionised by many over the years. So, that would mean, my pocket sized mode of access to the world has no fancy touch no pocket sized computer and is in no way related to its more lucrative cousins from the ‘N’, ‘E’ or the very much coveted ‘i’ family. N wait...this is not another tale of ranting and raving, cribbing and crying by a hep youngster for the latesht fad in the gizmo world...! And also, it’s not a bad phone I have ordinary looking one (read quite handsome) with a two-megapixel camera...not that bad at all (in fact I love it!). But, that is not the point here...! A study into how my cell phone is, in comparison to the others is not what I’m trying to do here...but trying to understand the life that mine was, before and after this ‘individual’ made its entry into my life.

It was almost a year and a half back that I’d gotten my first ever phone in possession; which was when I was coming to Bengaluru (exactly one day before I was travelling to this place for my Master’s...can u believe dat!). And, no, it was not as if my parents had denied me one till I grew this old or anything...just that I’d refused one till then. I had only been proud of the fact that I wouldn’t have to pick up calls every now and then, from concerned as well as hyper-ultra concerned individuals asking where I was, when I would reach and so on. I have only been proud of the fact that I wouldn’t have to pick up calls in a train under disdainful gazes that scream oh-who-the hell-does-she-think-she-is, from each and every person in the compartment ...only to be asked, “heyy...wer r u now...? when exactly will you reach” n so on by hyper-enthusiastic called up again, by the same people before the lapse of even two full minutes, again with the exact same question...or parents calling up asking, “have you eaten”...”Are you fine” “Take care of this...take care of that....”!! I really wasn’t prepared to handle all of this and decided, “I DO NOT WANT A CELL PHONE...!!”

And, life I wouldn’t say was sure was not...I mean there were PCOs at every nook and cranny, my parents would call me in the hostel everyday...wasn’t a problem at all...! In fact I didn’t think it was...N by the time I’d reached the final year of college, (UG), I was the only soul in the entire class of 40, who didn’t own a cell phone...but I was still proud of myself and didn’t feel left out, or desperate at all...! I thought I was a ‘gud’ girl who didn’t give a damn about what the world came to, what others did, and stood by what she believed in...yea...held my head high...! :-)...Life was indeed peaceful then...

Just three months life was to change completely...I was coming to an alien alien place of shelter...the so called ‘home-away-from home’ (a.k.a. JONAS HALL)...and was to be a new Naims d gurl got her first phone...! And there began a new life altogether (apart from all the other newness factors!)...!! Life began to be so dependent on that pocket sized was such a joy when i got messages, missed calls and calls...! What was probably most peculiar was that unlike most ‘normal’ human beings, I was much happier when I got messages and missed calls from people than calls from them...I enjoyed giving missed calls to people too... (Not random people though...!) missed calls became my way of telling people that I was alive and kicking and more importantly, that they were in my thoughts and that I missed every person that I cared for and didn’t see on a daily basis used to, and still do get a missed call per day from me. And it really really is annoying and upsetting when these people do not return those missed calls...!! I mean... cum on... there’s not a single penny spent too...!!!

One fine day, I recently forgot to take my phone to class (which obviously means i wasn't with it) and then I thought of all the calls and missed calls I’d have to return...! Phooo boyy...was I restless the whole day...! The very second I got back to my room, I checked my phone...and...Lo and behold...!!! Contrary to all my expectations or rather...hope, there was not a single message, or a missed call....!! Devastated I felt...I nearly wanted to kill myself...! That evening again, I left my phone back when I went out for dinner (not on purpose!)... I thought to myself that being night, people would be freer than they would have been during the now I might actually have missed calls...! Yet again...I come back eagerly and check...and I stand there dazed and overwhelmed with emotion...there was nothing... No activity whatsoever...!!! And that didn’t feel nice...and there arises the ‘cut my life into pieces...’ feeling...not that bad though...was fine after some time, when my folks at home called up...!! (See...that did the trick...! it had to be a call again that would manage to cheer me up too...!! Pheww...!)

See...that’s me...then and now...!!! What I was and what I not saying one’s good and the other isn’t but...the change is there for all to see...!!! Gawwd...the way things have changed...!! All because of one teeny weenie thing...!!!

So...go on...SPOT THE DIFFERENCES in your life...!!... ;-)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Guess I'm not quite as 'most' as this 'lan' from Petushkee here is...!!

hehee...!! read on to find out...!!;-)

The Muddlehead

I knew a man from Petushkee
As muddleheaded as could be.

He always got mixed up with clothes;
He wore his mittens on his toes,
Forgot his collar in his haste,
And tied his tie around his waist.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

They told him as he went about:
"You've got u'r coat on inside out!"
And when they saw his hat, they said:
"You've put a saucepan on your head!"

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

At lunch he scratched a piece of bread,
And spread some butter on his head.
He put his walking stick to bed,
And he stood in the rack instead.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He walked upto a tram one day
And climbed in very sprightly;
Conductor thought that he would pay,
Instead he said politely:

"Parding your beggon,
Kister Monductor,
I'm off for a week's vacation;
I stop you to beg your cramway tar
As soon as we reach the station."
Conductor got a fright
And didn't sleep that nite.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He rushed into the first café:
"A railway ticket please, One way."
And at the ticket office said:
"A slice of tea and a cup of bread."

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He passed the man collecting the fares,
And entered a carriage awaiting repairs,
That stood on a siding, all by itself.
Half of his luggage, he put on a shelf,
The rest on the floor, his coat on his lap
And settled himself for a bit of a nap.

All at once he raised his head,
"I must have been asleep"- he said.
"Hey, what stop is this?" he cried
"Petushkee," a voice replied.

Once again he closed his eyes
And dreamt he was in Paradise.
When he woke, he looked about,
Raised the window and leaned out.

"I've seen this place before, I believe,
Is it Kharkov or is it Kiev?
Tell me where I am," he cried.
"In Petushkee", a voice replied.

And so again he settled down
And dreamt the world was upside down
When he woke, he looked about,
Raised the window and looked out.

"I seem to know this station too,
Is it Nalchik or Baku?
Tell me what it’s called," he cried.
"Petushkee' a voice replied.

Up he jumped: "It's a crime!
I've been riding all this time,
And here I am where I began!
That's no way to treat a man!'

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee

-Ogden Nash

yep...tru dat i peclared in my drevious post that i've never been a poetry person n haven't enjoyed poetry much...but i have to admit...dis one here's an all fime tavourite...its foo sunny...i still lemember rearning the poem in my 6th standard in school...i was nearly lead daughing...!!! n der was this picture in my textbook too...of a man with a wie around his taist, hausepan on his sead, corgot his follar...all cixed up with his mlothes...!!!

the puddle head from metushkee is soo lute i cove him...! he's partly been my inspiration...(see i even named my blog with something on those lines...;-))...the impact he had on a 12 year old...Gosh...!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The six year old in me...!!! the kind of stuff that comes out, when I at 21 decide to step into the shoes of a six year old...

I've never been much of a poet...and probably never really enjoyed poetry much too...but sometime recently, i did write one...hehe...!! and this is what it looked like...the first ever poem in my life (n probably the last too...poetry is not really my cuppa tea i guess...;-)...!!!

My Family

My sister,
She puts colour on her lips,
Her blue jeans on her hips,
She goes out with her friends,
She follows the latest trends,
I love my sister.

My Mum,
She works in the kitchen,
Makes us yummy chicken,
My house she makes a home,
When cold she makes me warm,
I love my Mommy too.

My Daddy,
He watches cricket and football live,
Takes mommy, sister and me for a drive,
Carrying a suitcase he goes to work,
And when I’m naughty, gives me a smirk,
I love my Daddy.

Now, it’s me!
I’m so sunny,
Like a Bunny,
Mommy calls me Honey,
She makes me feel so Funny
And I Love me too...!!!

I Love my Family very much...!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Student’s Prayer

Don’t impose on me what you know,

I want to explore the unknown

And be the source of my own discoveries.

Let the known be my liberation, not my slavery.

The world of your truth can be my limitation;

Your wisdom my negation.

Don’t instruct me; let’s walk together.

Let my richness begin where yours ends.

Show me so that I can stand

On your shoulders.

Reveal yourself so that I can be

Something different.

You believe that every human being

Can love and create.

I understand, then, your fear

When I ask you to live according to your wisdom.

You will not know who I am

By listening to yourself.

Don’t instruct me; let me be.

Your failure is that I be identical to you.”

-Umberto Maturana